
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254
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Selection of the right supplier in field of OHS, fire prevention as well as in field of environment protecton and quality can have very eminent effect on company. Growing requirements of legislation, customers, employees or unions lay much greater claims on employers and their experts in a present, as well as beginning court hearings with present or past employees as a result of work injuries or occupational diseases. is the reaction on these growing requirements. Our advantage is the complex perception of integrated quality, occupational health and safety, and environment protection in your companies. We offer to our customers the knowledge and experiences in wide range of industry and adaptation of our activities to your internal standards. We offer the proactive approach to problem prevention instead of retaliatory activities after problem occurrence. Continuous education and application of newest methods and knowledge is matter of course to us.

Today isn’t time to pay for inadequate services and therefore we offer the possibility of change to our customers. We provide new and fresh view and many experiences for complex problem solving in quality management systems (QMS), occupational health and safety (OHS), environment protection and fire protection as well.

Our motto is: „Your problems are our hobbies.”

We believe that we will provide the maximal value for each minute of common cooperation to our customers.

We are looking forward for cooperation right with you.

Fields we are focussing on:

Safety and Fire prevention

  1. Performance of safety-technical service (performance of safety technician or authorized safety technician activities).
  2. Performance of Fire prevention technician service.
  3. Creation of OHS documentation and Fire prevention documentation according to valid legislation.
  4. Performance of consultancy-advisory service by implementation and maintenance of OHS management systems according to OHSAS 18001.
  5. Creation of written documents about explosion protection according to Regulation of Slovak government No. 393/2006.
  6. Performance of consultancy-advisory service in the field of major industry accidents according to Law No. 261/2002.
  7. Creation of complex work risks analysis.
  8. Performance of education in OHS and fire prevention field.


  1. Performance of consultancy-advisory service by implementation and maintenance of quality management systems according to ISO 9001.
  2. Performance of consultancy-advisory service by implementation and maintenance of quality management systems according to ISO/TS 16949.


  1. Performance of consultancy-advisory service by implementation and maintenance of environmental management systems according to ISO 14001.
  2. Creation of Actions in case of accident on dangerous waste management.
  3. Creation of Program of waste management.
  4. Creation of Emergency plans according to Law No. 364/2004 about waters.
  5. Creation of Operational procedures for water constructions (e.g. WST, Wells, etc.)
  6. Creation of Technical and operational parameters and technical and operational actions (STPP a TOO) for air polution sources.
  7. Creation of Study of effects on environment(EIA).
  8. Performance of consultancy-advisory service during applying for State authority bodies approvals in environment protection field.
  9. Performance of consultancy-advisory service for operational control in environenment protection field according to valid Slovak legislation.


  1. Performance of training activities in field of management systems (More details in page menu "TRAININGS" or download our new Trainings catalogue).
  2. We provide all trainings in english as well.