
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254

Waste management

Performance of consultancy-advisory service in field of waste management

We offer to you consultancy-advisory service for your activities in field of waste management according to valid Slovak legislation. We offer to you consultancy-advisory activity by:

  • Waste management analysis at your company,
  • Corrective and preventive actions proposal in case of any non-conformity,
  • Categorization of wastes at your company according to Wastes catalogue valid in Slovakia,
  • Data and records assurance that are needed for decisions of Stat authority bodies in field of waste management – approval for dangerous wastes treatment, approval for collecting of wastes without separation, approval for dangerous wastes transport, etc.,
  • Assurance of all your duties according to Law about wastes – wastes creation recording, creation of yearly report about wastes creation and wastes treatment, communication with State authority bodies in field of Environment protection, performance of employees’ trainings, as well as all other duties assurance,
  • Assurance of all your duties in field of Recycling fund, Law about packing, etc.

Hereby we offer to you creation of documents in compliance with legal requirements:

  • Wastes management program,
  • Emergency plan – actions in case of accident caused by dangerous waste treatment,
  • Dangerous waste identification list (ILNO),
  • Operational order of wastes warehouse.

We perform these activities on the long time experience base in the field of environment protection.