
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254

Explosion prevention

Creation of written documents about explosion protection

We offer to you consultancy-advisory activity by creation of written documents about explosion prevention according to Slovak government regulation no. 393/2006 Z.z., that govern the minimal requirements for assurance of the OHS at work in explosion work place.

We offer to you consultancy-advisory activity by explosion risk evaluation that is resulting from explosion atmosphere in consideration of:

  • Explosion atmosphere probability and its duration,
  • Initiation sources existence probability including static electricity discharges and probability that these sources are active and effective,
  • Usage of work equipment including the installation, materials, technological processes, operation processes and their possible interactions,
  • Extensity of probable explosion effects.

We offer to you consultancy-advisory activity by design and performance of preventive actions for explosion protection based on the explosion risks evaluation and after by:

  • Classification of the areas with explosion atmosphere,
  • Fulfilment of the valid Slovak legislation and technical standards requirements assurance in these areas,
  • Identification of explosion risk areas entrances with safety symbols,
  • Creation of written document about explosion protection,
  • Familiarization of the employees with the written document about explosion protection and with preventive actions for explosion protection.