
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254

OHS and Fire prevention trainings

Performance of education and training activities in OHS and Fire prevention field.

We offer to you:

  • assurance of regular familiarization and information of your employees and leaders (induction OHS training and regular OHS retraining). The training includes employees knowledge verification according §7 of the Law NR SR no. 124/2006 Z.z. about Occupational health and safety at work;
  • assurance of regular familiarization of your employees and leaders (induction Fire prevention training and regular Fire prevention retraining) including the verification of knowledge for persons ensuring fire prevention during non-working time; according to §20 of the Regulation no. 121/2002 Z.z. about fire prevention;
  • assurance of regular specialized training of your fire patrols of company, fire patrols for work place as well as fire assistance patrols, according to §23 of the Regulation no. 121/2002 Z.z. about fire prevention.

We offer to you:

  • Creation of basis for induction OHS training and regular OHS retraining of employees and leaders;
  • Creation of special plans and time schedules for training of fire patrols;
  • Induction OHS and Fire prevention training and regular OHS and Fire prevention retraining of employees and leaders:
    • regular OHS retraining has to be done at least once per two year. Retraining has to be done by removing of the employee to the other work place, machine or other job, implementation of new technology, new operation process or new equipment as well);
    • regular Fire prevention retraining has to be done at least once per twelve months for persons ensuring fire prevention during non-working time; and once per twenty four months for leaders and other employees;
  • specialized training of fire patrols – teoretical and pactical part:
    • specialized training of company’s fire patrol and fire patrol for work places has to be done at least once per twelve months;
    • specialized trainig of fire assistance patrol has to be done before start of the related activity. In case of repeated activitdy the training has to be done at least once per twelve months for each fire patrol member,
  • Creation and maintenance of the employees’ OHS and Fire prevention training records,
  • Creation and maintenance of the fire patrols’ training records,
  • Following of validity periods for OHS and fire prevention training ,
  • Following of validity periods for fire patrols training.