
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254

Safety-technical service

Performance of safety-technical services (safety technician or authorized safety technician activity)

We offer to you performance of safety-technical services according to §21 sec. 8 of Law NR SR no. 124/2006 Z.z. about Occupational health and safety at work. We perform this activity under mandate contracts. We guarantee fulfilment of all duties in the sense of valid Slovak legislation. Our goal is continual improvement and all our customers’ satisfaction assurance.

Safety-technical service provides advisory services to employers in the field of:
  • specialized,
  • methodical,
  • organizational,
  • control,
  • educational,
  • and other tasks

by assurance of the OHS at work.

A safety-technical services task performs safety technician or authorized safety technician and other specialist for prevention and protection in specific field of OHS if needed.

Creation of OHS documentation according to valid legislation

We offer to you consultancy-advisory services by creation of basic OHS documentation in term of valid Slovak legislation that mainly includes:

  • OHS Policy,
  • program for realization of OHS Policy,
  • nomination of employees representatives and OHS committees,
  • creation of risks evaluation based on identification of dangers,
  • plan for elimination of residual hazards,
  • creation of provided personal protective equipment list based on the risks evaluation,
  • instructions for alcohol usage restriction at work places,
  • instruction for smoking restriction at work places,
  • creation of induction employees training basis,
  • creation of the list of works prohibited to women and youthful employees,
  • creation of time-schedule for health inspection and trainings,
  • creation of instruction for provision of first aid,
  • etc.