
Bezpečá s.r.o.
Štúrova 8
040 01 Košice

tel: +421 903 366 254

Fire prevention technician

Performance of fire prevention technician activities

We offer to you performance of fire prevention technician activities according to §9 of Law NR SR no. 314/2004 Z.z. about fire protection. We perform this activity under mandate contracts We guarantee fulfillment of all duties in the sense of valid Slovak legislation. Our goal is continual improvement and all our customers’ satisfaction assurance.

We ensure the fulfilment of following duties by performance of fire prevention technician activities:

  • performance of preventive fire inspections;
  • identification of places with higher risk of fire occurrence and determination of count of fire patrol members;
  • performance of fire prevention trainings and specialized trainings for fire patrols;
  • creation, administration and maintenance of fire prevention documentation according to real status;
  • identification of requirements on fire safety in the use of building and a change in use of building; and creation the documentation about fire-safety characteristics of used building;
  • organization and evaluation of training fire alarms.

Creation of Fire prevention documentation according to valid documentation

We offer to you consultancy-advisory services by creation of basic fire prevention documentation in term of valid Slovak legislation that mainly includes:

  • fire statute;
  • fire order of work place;
  • fire alarm instructions;
  • fire evacuation plan;
  • fire book;
  • data about fire, rootcauses of fire occurrence, reports about testing results and realized countermeasures in fire prevention area;
  • documentation about fire prevention training of employees;
  • documentation about specialized training of fire patrols,
  • documentation about fire-safety characteristic of used building,
  • other documents.